Orders may take up to a week to ship at this time | Visit our retail store at 1100 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids, IA


Gift Wrapping $2.00

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Grow Concentrate 8 oz | We The Wild
Grow Concentrate 8 oz | We The Wild $14.99

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Monstera Wall Hanging Propagation Station
Monstera Wall Hanging Propagation Station $12.99

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Diamond Wall Hanging Propagation Station
Diamond Wall Hanging Propagation Station $12.99

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Round Wall Hanging Propagation Station
Round Wall Hanging Propagation Station $39.99

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Protect Spray with Neem (17 oz) | We The Wild
Protect Spray with Neem (17 oz) | We The Wild $15.99

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Monroe Planter | Vanilla
Monroe Planter | Vanilla from $8.99

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Monroe Planter | Palm
Monroe Planter | Palm from $8.99

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Moon & Stars Propagation Station
Moon & Stars Propagation Station $14.98

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Parker Planter | Vintage White Speckle
Parker Planter | Vintage White Speckle $21.99

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Monroe Planter | Sunset
Monroe Planter | Sunset $8.99

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Parker Planter | Sunset Speckle 3"
Parker Planter | Sunset Speckle 3" $8.99

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Presley Pedestal Planter | Latte
Presley Pedestal Planter | Latte $14.99

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Lucy Planter | Ballerina
Lucy Planter | Ballerina $8.99

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Parker Planter | Vanilla Speckle 3"
Parker Planter | Vanilla Speckle 3" $8.99

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Presley Pedestal Planter | Ballerina
Presley Pedestal Planter | Ballerina $14.99

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Parker Planter | Vanilla Speckle 4.5" & 6.75"
Parker Planter | Vanilla Speckle 4.5" & 6.75" $21.99

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Lucy Planter | Ginger
Lucy Planter | Ginger from $8.99

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Monroe Planter - Rainforest
Monroe Planter - Rainforest from $8.99

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